Eddie(or Eddy - we will confirm this after July 01) Chin will be at lunch this Thursday (July 01, 2010) with a few of us at 1.00pm at Grand City Restaurant, Petaling Jaya. Map is shown below, so there is no excuse that you do not know where the place is. And bring some ringgit with you because we will share out the cost of this outing (rounded to the nearest ringgit!). You can be there from 11.00am if you are really hungry! See you then, cheers!!
View Larger Map
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Project Mahanum

By now, hopefully all of us would have read the email by Sek Yee's Boss re Project Mahanum! What a feat of compassion to say the least! A Sunday trip as suggested would be great for the kids; so let's hear from you loud and clear!
"When Sek Yee and I visited her in 2006, the complex still smelt of fresh paint. It is built on an "island" right in the middle of a padi field in Chenderong Balai, Teluk Intan, on a piece of land belonging to her mother, next to her family home. It is a dream location for us, wish we had such a piece of land to build on...Her experience as DG of the Housing Ministry came in handy when she had to look into the nitty gritties of putting up a complex of buildings to house and educate a bunch of neglected, abandoned, and very often, abused kids. Did you ever aspire to do such a noble thing yourself? I am sure , like the rest of us, you did. I am sure, like a lot of people out there, you didn't do anything about it for the simple reason that you don't even know where to start. Don't scared! There is still hope for people like us...if we can't do something great ourselves, the least we can do is support people who do. There is always one near us, as they say, and this week you discover Mahanum, our very own classmate, someone you interacted with practically everyday for at least two years of your life, homegrown, locally bred and educated, who rose to the top of the ladder in her career, someone who made our school proud. Surely we can tumpang her courage by lending her a hand in keeping her project going. Yes, she has a lot of support already, given by her friends from other areas of her life, but we, too, as her former classmates, can claim our share with pride...we were part of her life in 66/67, we can still be, 4 decades later.
Sek Yee and I mooted the idea of dragging our friends to Teluk Intan (formerly Teluk Anson) to visit Mahanum one Sunday before Puasa month. The Famous Five who met last Wednesday have given their names to the monitor and it would be lovely if more could join us in making this day-trip an enlightening one. We could car-pool, leave early in the morning, and should be back home by sunset...you know la, night driving...
Our destination would be : Sekolah Tahfiz/Rumah Anak Yatim Al Amin,
Kg Pengkalan Ara
36600 Chenderong Balai
Teluk Intan
Attached are some fotos taken during our trip there in 2006. She was looking after 30 kids at that time, singlehandedly. Now she has 50 kids. Masya Allah...Well, she was taking care of a ministry once, what is an orphanage to Mahanum, you may ask. The reality is that kids can be a handful, but problem kids are another basket of fish altogether. And she needs help..."
Salam to all,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How to Fish.......by Hamzah Mohammad
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Outsourcing.....by Hamzah Mohammad
Outsourcing: True to our School Motto, Hamzah has effectively outsourced his work to his eldest daughter who is now his email and facebook administrator! But I am not so sure she is a volunteer! Maybe it is a trade-off for 'baby sitting' hours!
(Furthermore, his defence that he cannot remember the ladies' names was that they were our seniors! But he did remember Leong Tuck Lock? We rest our case for the time being!)
Current Work Load: "Like Kam Loong, my wife & I are busy with our 'cucus' (new spelling). Only on Sat and Sun do we have time to ourselves. Then again, that time window would invariably be spent on my favourite pastime, 'estuary fishing'."
"My favourite pasttime:- Picture shows me fishing at One Fathom Bank
near the Lighthouse in the middle of the Straits of Malacca, off Kuala
Selangor. Featuring, a baby lion garoupa."
Contributed by: Hamzah Mohammad
(Furthermore, his defence that he cannot remember the ladies' names was that they were our seniors! But he did remember Leong Tuck Lock? We rest our case for the time being!)
Current Work Load: "Like Kam Loong, my wife & I are busy with our 'cucus' (new spelling). Only on Sat and Sun do we have time to ourselves. Then again, that time window would invariably be spent on my favourite pastime, 'estuary fishing'."
"My favourite pasttime:- Picture shows me fishing at One Fathom Bank
near the Lighthouse in the middle of the Straits of Malacca, off Kuala
Selangor. Featuring, a baby lion garoupa."
Contributed by: Hamzah Mohammad
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
From Hamzah Mohammad.......
I agree with Sek Yee's question: Who are the ladies lah? Must be Hamzah's secret; he named everyone in the photo except the girls! Hmmm!!

In the picture:
Standing (from left to right): Leong, Kam Loong, Ahmad Sarkawi, Hau
Kiang and Shahmani
Squatting (from left to right): Hamzah Mohammad, Wan Ahmad Kamal and
Lau Chong Man

In the picture:
Standing (from left to right): Leong, Kam Loong, Ahmad Sarkawi, Hau
Kiang and Shahmani
Squatting (from left to right): Hamzah Mohammad, Wan Ahmad Kamal and
Lau Chong Man
Commercial Break......Sunday's Nestle/Mydin Event in USJ, Subang Jaya
These photos were taken on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at a Line Dance Festival, sponsored by Nestle & Mydin Supermarket held at Mydin's place in USJ, Subang Jaya. So, hopefully, Chin Fook Leong can recognise me if and when we do bump into each other on the streets of Singapore - line dancers aplenty there! And I do hope you can pick me out from the photos below. Cheers

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wong Poh Lam ......present!
"Was on a sentimental visit (actually, one of many revisits) to Kuala Terengganu in 2009. Although I'm not Buddhist, that's where I 'reincarnated' after the 'old' me sort of transformed into another person. Did a lot of soul searching to come to terms with what had happened to Evelyn (and I) in 1986.
Yes, in 'a triumph of hope over experience', I remarried in 1991."
Contributed by: Wong Poh Lam
Friday, June 18, 2010
Renewing Old Ties.....(to be continued...I hope!)
Revisiting Cikgu Puteri...
Break Time............!
Renewing Old Ties........Scene 3
Ahmad Sarkawi and Jauhara...hope you remember who is who....mana tau...cataract la, long sighted la...
I am sure you remember the Sarkawi of 66/67...now, 43 kg later, he has a faded top, like the rest of us, which is OK I guess, just a sign of the times. Still the same chuckle which preceeds a joke, the same roll of the shoulders when he is trying to emphasise a point. As his face has filled out somewhat, his ears dont stick out so much.
And Jauhara - has not changed very much in terms of looks...can put on a white shirt, a dark blue skirt and an ASI tie, voila...we are back in 66. She lives alone in TTDI, her husband passed away quite recently, and the young ones have started their own families.
Renewing Old Ties ......Scene 2
Renewing Old Ties!
Mustapha Azmi - He is bionic, having had a piece of metal something inserted in his left forearm, which was fractured when a car rammed into him, or he rammed into a car, I am not sure which 'cos he was too busy asking everyone if we still have teeth, that I didn't get a chance to ask him to clarify. He walks around with a tongkat cleverly disguised as an umbrella, which reminded me of Patrick McNee of Avengers fame (our time one la, sure you remember the series)... that I asked him if it is equipped with a parang.
This picture was taken at Mahanum's house in TTDi...you can see Mahanum, the ex DG of Housing, in the background.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Really Amazing Dumpling Story.......retold again!
The Dumpling Story Retold........

LET ME TELL YOU A LITTLE SECRET......MY WIFE ( my boss) HAS BEEN MAKING BA CHANG FOR THE EXAMPLARY HUSBAND TO EAT FOR THE LAST 35 YEARS.....AND SHE REALLY MAKES REAL GOOD BA CHANG (of course it is halal) .......AND EVERY YEAR I TELL HER THAT HER BA CHANG IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD ( hey, guys...when your wife makes your favourite dish, you must tell her it is the best in the world,etc,....otherwise you can kiss goodbye to the favourite dish).....AND EVERY YEAR I GET TO EAT AGAIN.......SHE IS REALLY GOOD.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Talentime Contest 1967

Seated From Left: Lye Yoot Mee (Asst. Treasurer), Khaw Lan Eng (Now known as Joyce Teh) Secretary), Tan Hau Kiang (Chairman), Myself, Wong Poh Lam (Vice-Chairman), Badriah & Kua Gek Kim (Decorators).
Standing From Left: Thoo Poh Yik (Public Relation Officer), Merlyn Kasimir (Treasurer), Daljindra Singh (Lighting), Chin Fook Leong (Stage Manager), Yeong Sek Yee (Business Manager) - TALENTINE COMMITTEE 1967
That was a wonderful Talentine Contest. Do you recall both the male & female winners?
With warmest regards
Mr. Paul Chong
On Top Of Mt. Kinabalu on 20.07.2007
According to Sek Yee, its time we add some colour to our blog! So here goes...it is my first time up on top of Kinabalu (the date we hit the summit was not by design -believe me!) I am pretty sure some of you have been there too; Anyone keen for this adventure?
All five of us, with a total age count of 298 years happily and wearily made it to the top! The youngest was 48 years and the oldest was 68 years! We still have time for this you know! After all, we are on average about 62 and counting? It was just 'funtastic' for all of us! The first picture below is yours truly of course - Tan Hau Kiang, A2 Arts.

All five of us, with a total age count of 298 years happily and wearily made it to the top! The youngest was 48 years and the oldest was 68 years! We still have time for this you know! After all, we are on average about 62 and counting? It was just 'funtastic' for all of us! The first picture below is yours truly of course - Tan Hau Kiang, A2 Arts.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Dumpling Festival is on June 16, 2010
A2 Arts Class of '66/'67
Ladies & Gentlemen, we now have the complete pictures of both A1 & A2 Arts class of Anderson School Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia taken way back in '66/'67!
Seen here below is Lower Six Arts A2 class with Mr. Eddy Chin as Form Master!

...One year later in Upper Six Arts A2.... older but certainly wiser I think!

So young and innocent faces then......
But if your eye sight fails you nowadays, just double-click on the image and try to identify yourself!
Seen here below is Lower Six Arts A2 class with Mr. Eddy Chin as Form Master!

...One year later in Upper Six Arts A2.... older but certainly wiser I think!

So young and innocent faces then......
But if your eye sight fails you nowadays, just double-click on the image and try to identify yourself!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
To Strive, To Seek, To Find and Not To Yield
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A1 Arts Class of '66/'67
Friday, June 11, 2010
Welcome to Connectivity!
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