On that historic first day, how did you feel? Were you anxious or were you scared? Did your parents send you to the School and waited for you at the school gate? For the girls, how do you feel about a co-ed class with some strange looking boys? Likewise, for the boys, how do you feel sharing the class with a mixture of girls and being told that we have to behave (I believe DSS gave us a pep talk before that historic day).
If you can recall your feelings (whether good or not so good) on that first day in Anderson School, do share with the group. Please pen us your thoughts, your views, whether any boys or girls disturbed you, etc. Remember it was 45 years ago and 45 years is not going to come by our way again.
To our teachers too, your views and opinions deeply appreciated as well. Do tell us how you felt when you faced this bunch of kids on 3rd January 1966. Did you murmur to yourself OMG?
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Sek Yee and Ah Kat (my boss)
Hello Everyone
ReplyDeleteTo me, it was just a natural progression from Form 5 to Lower Six...ha...I had passed the QT then to go to Lower Six. I remember Sek Yee, Poh Lam, Poh Yik were with me in the 1st few mths..
Cannot remember WAK,WSH, YKL,....(these were my primary school mates)
And all those years, I had been in Anderson School from Form 1......from my Dad, eldest brother, 2nd brother, 5th brother (I am the 3rd) etc and all have been in Anderson School. It was a family tradition..
And in the Lower Six, new people came in after the O level results.
And then we met Paul(then known as Chong Ah Teng), Eddie the 'A' levels History teacher... Datuk Selva was always there..and Monica Leong.She was, to say the least, a very good teacher, but, alas, she taught to a group of unteachables (that's me and YSY.)
I always remember Eddie...dashing young man with the tie and a spring in his steps..
Well, these are my initial thoughts.
Sek Yee,
ReplyDeleteTagar was on your left, and Waryam was on my right. That night we had a dinner for the Library Prefects, I think. Was it at the Imperial Room, which was off Jalan Yang Kalsom ? Was it end of 1967? I was then completing Lower-Six, and that year itself, you were Head Library Prefect, if I remember correctly. What's my name?
If my memory serves me right, you are Lim Kok Sin and you lived on Ashby Road, just a stone's throww from Cator Avenue School.
ReplyDeleteThoo Poh Yik